Minecraft PvP servers are one of the most popular and competitive aspects of the multiplayer game. This is a type of server where players can fight against each other in various ways such as Factions, FFA, and team-based combat.

PvP servers can either be based on the classic 1.8 style PvP or the 1.9 style PvP. However, many of the best PvPers in Minecraft prefer the 1.8 style PvP. This is mainly because of faster hit times, more importance placed on strafing, and a variety of other factors.

Whatever the reason may be for enjoying the style of 1.8 PvP, this list will highlight five of the best PvP servers that run Minecraft version 1.8.9, which is the latest version of 1.8.

Top 3 Minecraft version 1.8.9 servers that are perfect for PvP

3) Purple Prison

IP Address: purpleprison.com

Purple Prison is a version 1.8.9 Minecraft PvP and prison server that has been running for over seven years now. It is the most popular server in its niche and usually has a few thousand players at peak times of the day.

With an active player base, Purple Prison offers various types of PvP modes, such as Sumo, 1v1 duels, Team duels, Axe PvP, Pot PvP, and even Spleef. For anyone in search of a great 1.8.9 PvP server, this one is definitely a solid choice.

Server Address: purpleprison.com

2) Lunar Network

IP Address: lunar.gg

Lunar Network is a great version 1.8.9 server (Image via Lunar Network)

Well known for the Lunar Client, which is a popular PvP client, the Lunar Network is one of the most popular Minecraft version 1.8.9 PvP networks of all time. It has a huge variety of practice PvP gamemodes to play, including Debuff, No Debuff, Archer, Axe, Sumo, and SoupPvP.

While most players on this server will be using the Lunar Client, it is not, by any means, a requirement. Players using any type of Minecraft PvP client can join this server, such as Badlion client, Feather, or LabyMod.

Server Address: lunar.gg

1) Minemen Club

IP Address: minemen.club

Minemen Club is one of the most popular PvP server on earth (Image via Minemen Club)

Minemen Club is one of the most popular and hottest Minecraft PvP servers accessible right now. This version 1.8.9 server is available for players who want a competitive and fast-paced PvP experience with other players from around the world.

Minemen Club is known to have one of the best anti-cheat systems of all Minecraft PvP servers out there, which has made it extremely popular over the years. Because of this, the best Minecraft PvPers are known to play here, including many popular PvP YouTubers such as Headed, iusehuzuni, Cxlvxn, and many more.

Server Address: minemen.club

This article reflects the personal views of the author.

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