Having made her debut in three film industries in 2014, Hebah Patel managed to catch the attention of everyone in a short span. The actress made her debut with the 2014 film Ala Ela in Telugu, Later, she shot to fame with Kumari 21 F and earned a bold heroine tag. However, everything that she did after Kumari 21 F did not help her grow as an actress.

Right now, Hebah Patel is Odela Railway Station where she plays a rural woman. She is excited to see how audiences will respond to the film. On that note, Hebah admitted that she regrets signing back-to-back films at some point in time.

“I was new to the film industry back then and did not know what to do and what not to do. So, I took up everything that came my way. I was listening to a lot of people back then and took my work for granted. But, I changed now. I am taking up films that offer me creative satisfaction,” shares the Ala Ela actress who was last seen in 24 Kisses.

Hebah Patel also added that she was not happy with what she is being offered these days. The actress also said that she panicked at a point in her career and became desperate for work which is why she did everything that came her way.
