Fox's Alert: Missing Persons Unit, or simply Alert, is all set to make its long-awaited debut on January 8, 2023. FOX has described their most recent show as "a character-driven police procedural," which continues a long-standing tradition of police procedural dramas being one of the most popular types of programs on network television.

The official synopsis for the show, starring Scott Caan and Dania Ramirez, is as follows:

"A character-driven police procedural drama set in the Philadelphia Police Department's Missing Persons Unit (MPU). When police officer Nikki Batista's son goes missing, she joins the special unit to help other people find their loved ones, even as she searches for her own."

It adds:

"Alert: Missing Persons Unit" is a procedural drama with a heart-pounding, life-or-death search for a missing person in each episode, running alongside Nikki and her ex-husband's quest to find out the truth about their long-lost son. It's a case-of-the-week show with a case-of-a-lifetime story running through it -- a story that alternately brings the two main characters gut-wrenching heartache and heart-pounding joy."

The intriguing premise of the show, along with some wonderful shots of the scenery from its trailer, may cause viewers to wonder where the scenes for Alert: Missing Persons Unit were filmed.

Ahead of the show's debut on January 8, 2023, here are the locations used in the filming.

Alert: Missing Persons Unit filming locations explored

Like most network television shows, Alert: Missing Persons Unit was shot in a single location for most of its parts. The show by Jamie Foxx was primarily shot in Quebec, specifically in Greater Montreal.

Ghosts, another one of television's most-watched series, featured the city of Montreal in an earlier episode. Montreal is one of the places that has much to offer in terms of both natural beauty and cultural history.

Quebec, located in Central Canada, is the country's most renowned and second-largest province.

The province is famous for its historical artistry, literature, various festivals, and culturally integrated population. Most parts of Alert: Missing Persons Unit were shot in Greater Montreal. The unit reportedly set up their stop at MELS Studios, a popular area in downtown Montreal, making its urban appearance quite apparent in the show's action-packed trailer.

The film studio is quite popular for its amenities, including 20 different sound stages with state-of-the-art technical facilities. The exterior shots are filmed in various locations across Greater Montreal.

When will Alert: Missing Persons Unit premiere?

The first episode of Missing Persons Unit, titled Chloe, will air on January 8, 2023, at 9.00 PM EST. The synopsis for the debut episode reads:

"The MPU investigates the abduction of a young child, whose abduction is likely revenge related to her father's work."

The series is created by John Eisendrath and Jamie Foxx. Apart from Caan and Ramirez, the series also stars Adeola Role, Ryan Broussard, and Graham Verchere in important roles.

Catch them in action when the first episode of the show premieres on Fox. Stay tuned for more updates.

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