The Holiday spirit is returning to McDonald’s stores this week, as the chain introduces its festive menu. Loaded with warm and soothing winter flavors, the new menu features four new items, including the Big & Cheesy Burger, Christmas Sharebox, Galaxy Chocolate McFlurry, and Galaxy Caramel Pie.

The new festive menu is set to launch this Wednesday, November 22, at 11 am. Starting at over £1.49, the new menu can be enjoyed at all participating stores across the United Kingdom for over six weeks. Once launched, the new festive offerings can be ordered at the nearest store or through the McD mobile app or website.

The new festive menu is hitting stores nationwide on November 22 (Image via McDonald’s)

Apart from the new festive offerings, the chain is also bringing back an old favorite, the Chicken Big Mac. Priced at over £4.79, the returning favorite will be available along with the festive menu across the United Kingdom and Ireland.

McDonald’s Festive Menu hits stores on November 22

While it may always be the season of celebrations for McDonald’s fans, things have only gotten more cheerful this week as the chain gets ready to launch its festive menu. The menu, which is set to hit stores on November 22, will mark the official beginning of the Holiday season at the fast food chain.

As popular winter flavors start hitting the menu this week, fans will get to relish distinct flavors of chocolate and caramel. The savory bites and snacks, on the other hand, are guaranteed to take fans on a joyous ride down the flavor lane with a wide range of juicy chicken and beef options to choose from.

The festive menu will be available across the U.K. for over six weeks (Image via McDonald’s)

Fans looking forward to the upcoming menu can catch a sneak peek below:

The Big & Cheesy Burger

The Big & Cheesy Burger features a juicy beef patty, double slices of cheese, crispy onions, red onions, and cheese sauce, all sandwiched between a toasted snowflake flour-dusted bun.

Starting at over £5.49, it can also be enjoyed in a bacon option. Fans looking for something extra can get it as a meal with fries and a drink for over £7.29.

The Big & Cheesy Burger (Image via McDonald's)

Christmas Sharebox

A perfect shareable for the holiday season, the Christmas Sharebox comes with at least 20 Chicken McNuggets, 10 Chicken Selects, four standard dips, and four select dips.

Priced at over £14.99, the combo will be available on the menu for a limited time. While the Sharebox is enough for up to four people, it is completely okay if you want to enjoy it on your own.

Christmas Sharebox (Image via McDonald’s)

Galaxy Chocolate McFlurry

The Galaxy Chocolate McFlurry offers a festive twist on the classic dessert featuring swirled ice cream and Galaxy Chocolate Stars with Galaxy Chocolate sauce. It can be enjoyed either in a mini serving size for over £1.49, or a regular serving for over £1.99. The new Galaxy McFlurry also comes in a Caramel sauce option.

Galaxy Chocolate McFlurry (Image via McDonald’s)

Galaxy Caramel Pie

An iconic dessert on the McDonald's menu, the Galaxy Caramel Pie offers a chocolate pastry loaded with decadent Galaxy Caramel sauce. The limited-time dessert can be availed starting this Wednesday. Fans can get it for over £1.99.

Galaxy Caramel Pie (Image via McDonald’s)

Chicken Big Mac

After selling out earlier this year in March, the Chicken Big Mac is all set to make its return to the menu this Wednesday. The loaded burger takes inspiration from the classic Big Mac and features two chicken patties, triple-layered buns, melty cheese slices, pickles, lettuce, and the savory Big Mac sauce. It can be availed on its own for over £4.79, or as a hearty meal for over £6.59.

Chicken Big Mac (Image via McDonald's)

Apart from the new festive offerings, the chain will also be debuting new deals and offers in the coming weeks. The Christmas offer, which is currently available to fans, allows them to enjoy some of the most popular McDonald’s offerings, including the Big Mac, for as low as 99p. The limited-time deal can be claimed from the offer section on the chain's app or website.

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