The majority of Apple TV's new film Sharper was shot in New York City.

The film was recently released on the streamer, but prior to that, it was released in select cinemas across the United States on February 10, 2023.

Directed by Benjamin Caron, Sharper is a psychological thriller that revolves around a young man's vengeance upon his own family for not accepting him as he is. It stars Julianne Moore as Madeline Hobbes, Sebastian Stan as Max, Justice Smith as Tom Hobbes, Briana Middleton as Sandra, and John Lithgow as Richard Hobbes.

Based on a screenplay by Brian Gatewood and Alessandro Tanaka, the official synopsis of the film reads:

"No one is who they seem in Sharper, a neo-noir thriller of secrets and lies, set amongst New York City's bedrooms, barrooms and boardrooms. Characters compete for riches and power in a high stakes game of ambition, greed, lust and jealousy that will keep audiences guessing until the final moment."

Read on to learn more about the filming locations for the movie.

Sharper was primarily filmed in New York City

As per reports, the principal photography for Sharper began in September 2021 under the working title Woohoo and concluded in early November of the same year.

As mentioned before, all the important sequences for the film were shot in and around New York City.

In the early stages of the production, actor Sebastian Stan and the film crew were seen shooting various pivotal scenes in and around Washington Square Park, including on Thompson Street, between Houston and Prince.

Lower Manhattan's SoHo was also one of the main production locations for Sharper.

In early February 2023, the film's director Benjamin Caron and actors Briana Middleton and Justice Smith had an interview with The Hindu about the production process and locations.

Justice Smith explained how he loves New York and is yet to have a foul experience in the city. Speaking about the location's impact on the film, he added:

"The beating heart of New York is so evident in the film. We worked off the energy of the city, and Ben did such a good job of capturing that."

In recent years, films and shows like Midsommar, Black Swan, Kaleidoscope, The Watcher, Blue Bloods, etc. have been shot in New York City.

Every year, millions of tourists visit the city to explore some of its most iconic and popular landmarks like the Rockefeller Center, the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Times Square, and Central Park.

Director Benjamin Caron described the film as smart, funny, character-driven, and original. While speaking about the film, he said:

"It felt like a throwback to movies that I love from the 1970s. I loved all the twists and reveals. I liked how mischievous it was. I’ve never done anything to the level of the characters, but I could relate to the deception in it. I loved that I could bring an outsider sensibility to this story about people trying to enter and pass through different worlds. I understood it."

Sharper is available to stream worldwide on Apple TV+ worldwide.

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